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Web Packages

Website Development & SEO

Effective website development coupled with strong SEO strategies is crucial for enhancing online visibility, driving traffic, and achieving sustainable growth for businesses in the digital landscape. Creating a user-friendly and aesthetically pleasing website alongside a comprehensive SEO approach is the cornerstone of a successful online presence, enabling businesses to attract, engage, and convert their target audience while securing higher rankings on search engine results pages, ultimately fostering long-term success and growth.

Website Development

Website development involves the technical construction and creation of websites, encompassing coding, programming, and design elements to ensure a functional and user-friendly digital platform. It integrates various technologies and methodologies to build websites that cater to specific business needs while adhering to industry standards and providing an optimal user experience.

Get a quote » Starts from $1200

Security Audit

A security audit is a comprehensive assessment and examination of an organization’s systems, networks, or software to identify vulnerabilities, risks, and potential threats. It involves a meticulous review of security measures, protocols, and configurations to ensure compliance with industry standards and best practices, aiming to strengthen the overall security posture and mitigate potential cyber risks and breaches.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Website Support

Website support involves providing ongoing assistance, maintenance, and troubleshooting services to ensure the smooth functioning and optimal performance of a website. This support can encompass various activities such as regular updates, bug fixes, content management, security enhancements, and technical troubleshooting. It aims to address issues promptly, enhance user experience, and maintain the overall health and functionality of the website to meet the evolving needs of users and the business.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Basic SEO

Basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to fundamental strategies and practices implemented to improve a website’s visibility and ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs). It involves optimizing website content, meta tags, titles, and URLs, as well as improving site structure, loading speed, and mobile responsiveness. Basic SEO also includes keyword research and incorporation, content optimization for relevant search queries, and the cultivation of high-quality backlinks from reputable sources. These foundational techniques aim to enhance a website’s chances of being discovered by search engines and subsequently increasing organic traffic.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

API Development

API development, short for Application Programming Interface development, involves the creation and implementation of interfaces that enable different software applications to communicate and interact with each other. APIs define the methods and protocols for how different software components should interact, allowing for seamless data exchange and functionality integration between diverse systems, services, or platforms. Developers create APIs with specific endpoints, authentication mechanisms, and data formats to facilitate the exchange of information and enable third-party developers or systems to access the functionalities or data of a particular application or service securely and efficiently.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Website Design & Brand Strategy

Integrating impactful website design with a well-defined brand strategy is pivotal in establishing a compelling online presence. The harmonious alignment of visual aesthetics, user experience, and brand messaging within website design lays the foundation for a cohesive brand identity. This synergy between website design and brand strategy not only fosters brand recognition but also cultivates trust, loyalty, and resonance with the target market, driving engagement and fostering enduring customer relationships.

logo Design

Logo design is the process of creating a unique visual symbol or mark that represents a brand, business, product, or service. It involves the use of typography, colours, shapes, and imagery to craft a distinctive and memorable emblem that encapsulates the essence, values, and identity of the entity it represents. A well-designed logo serves as a visual representation of the brand’s personality, making it instantly recognizable and helping to establish a strong connection with its audience, fostering brand recognition and trust. Professional logo designers often consider various design principles and strategic elements to ensure the logo effectively communicates the desired message and aligns with the brand’s overall identity and objectives.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Single Page Design

Single page design, also known as a one-page website, refers to a website structure that contains all its content on a single HTML page, eliminating the need for multiple pages and navigation. This design approach condenses all information, sections, and functionalities into a continuous scrollable format, allowing users to access different sections of the site by scrolling vertically or through interactive navigation elements like anchors or menus.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Information Architecture

Information architecture (IA) refers to the structural design and organization of information within a system, website, or application to facilitate effective navigation, understanding, and retrieval of information by users. It involves the thoughtful organization, labeling, categorization, and structuring of content to create logical and intuitive pathways for users to find and interact with information easily.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Style Guide

A style guide, also known as a brand style guide or brand guidelines, is a comprehensive document that outlines the visual and stylistic elements used to represent a brand consistently across all communications, marketing materials, and platforms. It serves as a reference tool that defines and standardizes the brand’s visual identity, voice, tone, and overall personality.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Brand Strategy

Brand strategy refers to a long-term plan devised by a company to establish and manage its brand in a way that aligns with its overall business objectives. It involves creating a roadmap that outlines how the brand will be perceived by its target audience and how it differentiates itself from competitors.

  1. Brand positioning: Defining the unique value proposition of the brand and its place in the market relative to competitors. This involves identifying the brand’s target audience, understanding their needs, and highlighting what sets the brand apart.

  2. Brand identity: Developing the visual elements, messaging, and personality that represent the brand. This includes designing logos, choosing brand colors, creating taglines, and determining the brand’s tone of voice.

  3. Brand messaging: Crafting the core messages that communicate the brand’s values, mission, and promises to its audience. This messaging is consistent across all communications to build a cohesive brand image.

  4. Brand experience: Ensuring that every interaction a customer has with the brand reflects its values and promises. This encompasses both online and offline experiences, including customer service, user interface, packaging, and more.

  5. Brand management: Establishing guidelines and protocols for maintaining consistency and integrity across all brand touchpoints. This involves monitoring brand perception, addressing feedback, and adapting strategies to changing market conditions.

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Our Packages



Invoice once


5 Pages


Up to 3 design revisions per page


CMS Website


Mobile Friendly


Google Analytics


Website Hosting


Domain name


Site Backup & Security


Content Writing


Local SEO


Advanced SEO


Google Ads


Facebook Ads



Invoice once


10 Pages


Up to 5 design revisions per page


CMS Website


Mobile Friendly


Google Analytics


Website Hosting


Domain name


Site Backup & Security


Content Writing


Local SEO


Advanced SEO


Google Ads


Facebook Ads



Invoice once


20 Pages


Up to 8 design revisions per page


Integrated e-commerce


CMS Website


Mobile Friendly


Google Analytics


Website Hosting


Domain name


Site Backup & Security


Content Writing


Local SEO


Advanced SEO


Google Ads

COmplete Website Packages


Understanding the company’s objectives and how the website fits into those goals is essential. Whether it’s increasing online sales, generating leads, showcasing products or services, or providing information, aligning the website with these objectives is crucial.


Creation of the website itself, including layout design, user interface (UI), user experience (UX) design, coding, and programming. This involves crafting the visual appearance and functionality of the site.


Refining the needs of a company for website development involves further clarification and fine-tuning of the specific requirements and objectives. Define the exact functionalities required on the website.


Building a website involves several steps that can be executed based on the refined requirements.

Website Redesign

Deluxe Full Service Website Package

A Deluxe Full Service Website Package typically offers an extensive and comprehensive range of services and features to create a high-quality, fully functional, and customized website. This package is often suitable for businesses or individuals looking for an all-inclusive solution to establish a robust online presence without handling technical aspects themselves. While the specific offerings may vary among providers, here are the common components included in such packages:

  • Custom Design and Development

  • Responsive Design

  • Content Creation and Optimization

  • Domain and Hosting Setup

  • E-commerce Integration (if applicable)

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Custom Features and Functionality

  • Security Measures

  • Training and Support

  • Analytics Setup

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Website Development

Website Design Package

A Website Design Package typically encompasses a set of services specifically focused on creating the visual and structural elements of a website. These packages vary in scope and offerings based on the service provider, client needs, and project complexity. Generally, a Website Design Package includes:

  • Custom Design

  • Wireframing and Prototyping

  • Responsive Design

  • UI/UX Design

  • Mockups and Revisions

  • Design Integration

  • Brand Consistency

  • Design Consultation

  • Deliverables

Other Packages 

SEO & Analytics Package

Specify the level of SEO optimization required and analytics tools for tracking website performance. Decide on keywords, metadata, and tracking metrics to measure website success.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Build A Subscriber Base

Building a subscriber base involves creating strategies to attract, engage, and retain individuals interested in receiving updates, content, or offers from your brand. Here’s a step-by-step guide to build a subscriber base

Get a quote » Starts from $500


Website Re-platform or Migration

Website re-platforming or migration refers to the process of moving an existing website from one platform, content management system (CMS), or hosting environment to another. This transition can be prompted by various reasons such as upgrading technology, seeking better features, improving performance, or addressing scalability issues.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

Build an Online Campaign

Building an online campaign involves strategizing and executing a digital marketing initiative to achieve specific goals, such as increasing brand awareness, driving traffic, generating leads, or boosting sales. Here are the steps to build an effective online campaign.

Get a quote » Starts from $500

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Praksis Web

Praksis web developers play a crucial role in creating websites and web applications, focusing on the technical aspects that enable websites to function smoothly and provide an engaging user experience on the internet.

Digital Marketing

SEO Service

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